Friday, August 1, 2008

Tips For Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is a fairly new area in the marketing field. Marketing websites is close to marketing for other products and services. If you are new in the Internet marketing field there are some tips to assist you. We are going to use this article to examine those aids.

It is advisable not to use additional products and services to increase your sales. Instead of increasing the quantity of products or services, you would do better to increase the variety of different marketing methods. By doing this, only a small part of the total business is affected if one product declines or a marketing response drops.

Be sure to remember that customers are also prospects. You need to stay in contact with them. Try to find or develop other products or services that they can use. Return customers are easier to make a sale to than new customers.

Avoid making exaggerated claims, even if they are true. Bold claims create doubt in potential customer’s minds and jeopardize sales. It is better to bring those bold claims down to believable levels. Numerical claims should be expressed as odd numbers with decimals or factions.

When developing offers for your business, create them in sets of four or five at a time. They should also have expiration dates. With expiration dates you can replace the expired one with a new offer and deadline. With a series of offers you can constantly recycle through them. It is also possible to create an irresistible offer by combining a discount price and a set of valuable bonuses in the same offer.

You may need to change your market if you are attracting prospects that don’t have or can’t get the money to buy your product or service. You should target prospects that have an intense desire for the benefits of your products or services. You also need to target those that can afford your products or services.

By offering an exclusive benefit to your customers, this benefit will help sales. The benefit should be something that your competitors can’t or won’t offer. A good example of this would be your personal cell phone or home phone numbers. A lot of business owner’s don’t want to be that accessible.

Advertising copy should be written like the message was written specifically for each reader. This type of copy seems to produce great responses. This can be accomplished by making the copy be written to just one person instead of a group of people. You also might want to write in a less formal, more personal style.

The majority of sales are not made on the first contact. You need to develop a method to capture and save names and contact information of prospects. By doing this you can follow up with them periodically. Sometimes a gentle coaching is all that is needed to make a sale.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Make 15k in 30 Days! As seen on Oprah and 20/20! - Is This LEGAL???

This really WORKS - TRY IT!! It only cost a measly $6

This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. That’s Right 15,000 dollars in your PayPal account - That’s all it takes...



TURN $6.00 INTO $15,000 IN ONLY 30 DAYS...HERES HOW!
This is Not a Scam!!!
How to Turn $6.00 into $15,000 in 30 Days with PayPal.

From PayPal:
"Dear Member, it has come to our attention that there
is a PayPal scheme floating around at the moment you
may have heard or seen the $6 scheme. You may have
even taken part in it well we have been asked a lot of
questions about this scheme the answer is yes it does
work and yes it is safe to use providing you follow the
rules it is legal and has made a big hit on the internet
this year. If you would like to take part in this scheme
or would like a bit more information then please see the
attached file that was kindly donated to us.
Thank you for using PayPal!

This Really Works Keep in mind that everything stated below is 100% LEGAL as stated by the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161).

Now honestly,what is six Dollars, especially out of a Paypal account. In exchange you will make thousands in the first few months. You then place your own name and email address in the bottom of the list at 6, and post
the article in at least 200 newsgroups. (There are thousands of newsgroups)

I sent out my measly $6.00 to the six people on the list. Within 7 days, I started: getting $$$$$ in my account!
I was shocked! I figured it would end soon, but the CASH just kept coming in. In my first week, I made about $25.00.By the end of the second week I had made a total of over $1,000.00! In the third week I had over $15,060.00 and it’s still growing.This is now my fourth week and I have made a total of just over $26,000.00 and it’s still coming in rapidly. It’s certainly worth $6.00 and 6 minutes to send it out. This program WORKS. Put in message boards or send as emails.

The 3 Important Things you NEED before doing the instructions below:
1. PAYPAL Account (
2. Email Address (this will be your paypal acct login name)
3. Credit Card (required in creating paypal account)


1. Login to PayPal and click the "Send Money" tab near top of screen

In the "Recipient’s Email " field type: the email address
In the "Amount" field type : "1" (your $1.00 payment)
In the "Category" field select: "Service" (Keeping it legal)
In the "subject" field type: "EMAIL LIST ",
In the "message" field type: "PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR EMAIL LIST ".
Finally, click on the "Continue" button to complete the payment.
Repeat these steps for each of the 6 email addresses. that’s it!
Below are the emails that you transfer the money into:

Paypal accounts to send 1 Dollar to:

The Email List:

2. After sending the money to the first 6 people on the list, you can remove the name next to the 1 on the list and move the rest of the names up one position (2 becomes 1, 3 becomes 2, etc?) Then place your name in the 6 position. Then save it.

3. When you have completed the instructions, take this letter and then go to (Google, Yahoo,...) and type in (Making Money Message board, Money Message Board, Money Forum, Free money Forum, or anything along those lines that are forums) and start posting your copy of this message at least 200 times, to as many unique message boards as you can, or more. The more times you post this at a unique board, the more money you will make. Keep a copy of this letter so you can use it a second time.

4. This program remains successful because of the honesty and integrity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions.

5. This is perfectly legal! If you have any doubts, refer to 18 Sec. 1302 & 1241 of the Postal Lottery laws. You can try this or buy another lottery ticket and see which one will make you rich first.

>>> When you are done with the instructions above, the best way to promote this message so that you can make more money is to send this to all your friends whom you want be blessed, with this way you will be able to bless others while your blessings will keep on coming.

SUCCESS is not a matter of Chance, it's a matter of CHOICE...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Which is Better? Franchise Or Own a Business?

The decision to open your own business or open a franchise for a large chain business will need to thought through carefully before investing any cash. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, and you can start with a simple pro and con list to determine which business model will work the best according to your personality.

When you own you own business you will have to develop all systems to meet your individual requirements. Payroll, supply ordering, invoicing, data collection as well as all personnel policies and procedures. With a franchise, all of these systems are usually included in the price of the franchise fee. A complete training program is usually provided to teach the owner and other principals how all of the systems work, enabling many people to start off the right foot.

With a franchise, while you won the business, it is going to be run according to established company guidelines. While there may be some room for deviation, many franchises require the owner to use only approved products. Established business practices and products to be sold are mandated to protect the integrity of the brand. Deviation from the menu or product selection is often grounds for hefty fines or cancellation of the franchise agreement.

When you own your own business, all the decisions you make are your own. If you decide a particular item in the product mix is not working for your specific location you have the individual autonomy to make a change. With a franchise it may take an act of Congress to get a change put through. There have been many stories about a franchise owner introducing a new menu item that the customers wanted and are thrilled to have on the menu. The main company, however were not pleased and ended the franchise, leaving the owner out in the cold for failing to follow direction.

With a franchise, part of the monthly fee goes towards national advertising. Although in most cases the individual franchise owner has the right to refuse to participate in a particular campaign, but with the advertisements running nationally and one outlet not offering the same deals can antagonize some customers resulting in a loss of business.

Owning you own business will require you to pay attention to trends as well as what your competition is doing to keep your business in front and to increase market share. Additionally, there may be some company policies that you do not agree with that you will need to follow to remain in the franchise.

Before investing in a franchise, you will need to fully understand your obligations to the company as well as what the expectations are. Failing to be able to agree with everything about operating the franchise, it will be better to find another way to open a business.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Accounting Software Will Be a Great Help for Your Home Business

One of the most common reasons why home businesses fail is that these businesses do not really have good financial systems. A lot of small business owners do not really keep good records of their revenue and expenses that they find it hard to determine whether their business is earning enough or not. If you are one of those business owners who have not been keeping good financial records, now is the best time for you to establish good financial systems for your company. Always remember that good financial systems will not only help your business grow, it will also keep you out of trouble when it is time to file for your income tax returns.

Setting Up Your Financial Records

You do not really have to be an accountant or a professional bookkeeper to be able to keep records of your financial transactions. To set up your financial records manually, all you need is a worksheet where you can record all your earnings and your expenses. To keep everything simple, just use a two column worksheet where you can record all your earnings in one column and your expenses in the other. Record your financial transactions at the end of each day so that you will not miss out something. Keep all your bills and receipts on file so that your accountant will be able to easily review your transactions later on for purposes of filing your income tax returns.

Another way to keep records of your financial transactions is to use of those accounting software being sold in the market today. The good thing about using accounting software is that you do not have to keep a lot of papers in your office and you do not have to bother writing things down a number of times in your worksheets. Just loan the program into your computer and you can already use it by following the menu. With the use of good accounting software, all you need to do is to enter your financial transactions for the day and the software will do the rest of the work. Most of this accounting software will also give you complete financial statements after you uploaded all the necessary information so you get to save a lot of time and efforts in computing your earnings. What is more interesting about this computer software is that some of these can also help you project your future income and calculate your estimated internal rate of returns.

How Much Will the Accounting Software Cost You?

The price of the accounting software will depend on the complexity of the program that you need. Simple programs do not really cost so much so you need not worry about the cost. Besides, you can always put the cost of accounting software as part of your business expenses.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Whether Offline or Online, Make a Research First for the Type of Business Best for You

You know you want to go into business for yourself, but just don’t know what type of business you want to open. Once you do some soul-searching and determine you are the type of person who can operate their own business, whether from home, at home or in a franchise situation, finding the right business can be as important as the decision to go into business for yourself.

Look into the many franchise opportunities that have an interest and you can afford, and then choose three or four opportunities. You can then narrow the list be researching their viability in today’s market as well as the saturation in your community. For example, if you are considering a franchise of a nationwide donut shop and there are none within 50 miles of your home, the demand may make it a worthwhile investment.

On the other hand, if there two or more other donut shops in the community, any donut business that exists will split three ways. Additional outlets do not automatically create a larger market. Most times it simply divides the market by one additional outlet. You will also want to consider profit potential and always keep in mind the initial franchise fee, the monthly franchise cost as well as the cost of company-owned supplies when comparing opportunities.

How long it will take to reach the break-even point, that is the amount of your investment and associated costs, will be paid and monthly charges offset by sales income, before making a decision. It will not hurt to talk to other franchisees to learn of their experience with a particular company. While many may not be willing to share detailed information with you, since you are not yet a member of the “family,” they may be willing to talk about their experience with that particular chain.

Look at the trends in the company with which you may want to become a partner. A few years ago, the donut business took a dive in the wake of many concerns about carbohydrate diets. Several unprepared companies took a proverbial bath as a result and could not stay afloat until the controversy ended and donut came back into fashion.

Consider you target audience and determine if the communities demographics will provide a large enough market for your business. If the company estimates your primary customers will be between 30 and 45 years of age and the community demographics show only about 10 percent of the population fit that demographic, donuts may not be in high demand in that area.

Also consider the employment rate in the area and if it is high it may be a sign that not many people can afford the luxury of buying donuts on the run. There are numerous factors to consider when choosing a business and having all the facts and information available can help make an informed decision.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Finding the Right Business for You

You know you want to go into business for yourself, but just don’t know what type of business you want to open. Once you do some soul-searching and determine you are the type of person who can operate their own business, whether from home, at home or in a franchise situation, finding the right business can be as important as the decision to go into business for yourself.

Look into the many franchise opportunities that have an interest and you can afford, and then choose three or four opportunities. You can then narrow the list be researching their viability in today’s market as well as the saturation in your community. For example, if you are considering a franchise of a nationwide donut shop and there are none within 50 miles of your home, the demand may make it a worthwhile investment.

On the other hand, if there two or more other donut shops in the community, any donut business that exists will split three ways. Additional outlets do not automatically create a larger market. Most times it simply divides the market by one additional outlet. You will also want to consider profit potential and always keep in mind the initial franchise fee, the monthly franchise cost as well as the cost of company-owned supplies when comparing opportunities.

How long it will take to reach the break-even point, that is the amount of your investment and associated costs, will be paid and monthly charges offset by sales income, before making a decision. It will not hurt to talk to other franchisees to learn of their experience with a particular company. While many may not be willing to share detailed information with you, since you are not yet a member of the “family,” they may be willing to talk about their experience with that particular chain.

Look at the trends in the company with which you may want to become a partner. A few years ago, the donut business took a dive in the wake of many concerns about carbohydrate diets. Several unprepared companies took a proverbial bath as a result and could not stay afloat until the controversy ended and donut came back into fashion.

Consider you target audience and determine if the communities demographics will provide a large enough market for your business. If the company estimates your primary customers will be between 30 and 45 years of age and the community demographics show only about 10 percent of the population fit that demographic, donuts may not be in high demand in that area.

Also consider the employment rate in the area and if it is high it may be a sign that not many people can afford the luxury of buying donuts on the run. There are numerous factors to consider when choosing a business and having all the facts and information available can help make an informed decision.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Promoting a Website For Your Online Business

Do you feel that you have a product or service that others will love to have? Perhaps having an online website is a great way to advertise your personal business. This will help others to know what products and services that you offer are, and how these products can improve their daily lives.

One of the easiest and most effective ways of promoting your website is to advertise it on several search engines. A search engine scans your website for meta tags or keywords that are related to a searchers request. Using several different key words can help more searchers hit upon your site. Applying to several search engines will increase the number of onlookers to your site, as this is the type of online searching that is used most frequently. Advertising your site online opens your site to customers at all hours of the day and night. People all over the world can browse your site and purchase items, even while you are asleep.

Printing business cards that include all of the necessary information, including your website can also draw in new clients. Shopping online is a growing trend and you do not want to be left out. Giving out business cards to potential clients or even leaving them at places such as public bulletin boards in nearby shopping centers. It may also help to include your web address to your office stationary and fliers. If this is not an option, you can print small labels on your home computer and add them to various advertisements that you send out. Add your web address as a tag line on your emails too, so that people you come into contact with will have the option to browse your site.

You may want to consider paying to have links to your site, posted on other web sites. These sites should be ones that are related to your business, but not sites that are competition to your site. Email the site that you would like to have a link from, and explain that you would like to be considered for placing an ad on their site. You may be asked to pay a small monthly fee for the link to your site, but it can be well worth it if it increases traffic to your web site, and helps to increase the financial stability of your business.

Do not forget to advertise in local area newspapers also and include your website in the ad. Many potential customers may be interested in your company, but are not sure exactly what types of products and services that you provide. Letting them browse your site before they contact you can cut down on the time that you spend on those that are not interested in what you have to sell, and allows you to focus on those that are interested in your products.